How to expand your practice with one phone call.
March 26, 2020

Expanding your practice can come with many hurdles. We can help you grow by taking the workload off your desk and allowing you to focus on the practice of law. Outsourcing leads to higher efficiency and productivity, with the ability to meet deadlines and to start new projects quickly and at lower operational costs. These advantages help level the playing field by giving smaller firms and solo practitioners the same economy of scale in regard to efficiency and expertise, without an increased payroll.
Saponaro, Inc. has developed a menu of services to assist in all aspects of litigation support including our:
Comprehensive Case Evaluation is performed by a practicing, and board-certified physician, in the specialty of concern, and/or an appropriate healthcare professional. Our case evaluation service provides a forensic report that can be used as a template for your Certificate or Affidavit of Merit requirement. This service assists attorneys procure this required document in a 6 to 10-week period.
RN Chronology and Review will pinpoint the pertinent issues of your medical malpractice case with a concise synopsis of the medical records and recommendations of the necessary experts required to pursue the pertinent issues outlined.
Preliminary Case Evaluation is performed by a physician with extensive medical-legal background and provides an opinion on any potential departures from the accepted standards of care, as well as the recommendation of the necessary experts required to pursue your case.
MD Hotline is designed to provide attorneys with quick opinions by board-certified physicians, or an appropriate healthcare professional, and answer straightforward questions about a potential case. Only limited records are reviewed with this service.
Medical Expert Witnesses are board-certified and actively practicing physicians, in all specialties, as well as licensed healthcare professionals. We have Experts in all disciplines of practice, including: forensic experts, nursing home experts, and dental experts.
Personal Injury Expert Witnesses are matched to the specific issues of each case. We do not rely on a “one size fits all” model.
Workers’ Compensation Experts provide a full spectrum of expert services for your Workers’ Compensation case, including accident reconstruction.
Independent Medical Exams are performed by practicing physician consultants throughout the United States, who many possess a broad range of credentials, including American Board of Independent Medical Examiners, as well as board-certification in their respective specialties.
Our services are designed to streamline the process of case management for you, and we provide these services on a case-by-case basis. The benefits include:
Access to specialized services as you need them.
Costs quoted upfront for any service required
Ability to increase the cases you take without the affecting the caseload of existing employees.
Ensuring a better return for the money you invest managing cases.
Free up resources to invest in sales and marketing.
Reduce risk and uncertainty of meeting each case requirements and deadlines.
Facilitate rapid growth without rapid increase in employee cost
Outsourcing can help increase productivity and efficiency while minimizing fixed costs. We are here to help.
An important explanation of our Expert Witness Referral Fee:
Many expert witness referral companies bill their clients at an hourly rate, each time the client interacts with the expert witness that was referred. Therefore, not only does the attorney pay a minimal finder’s fee, but more importantly, the service adds on to the experts hourly rate and does so throughout the case, including deposition and trial testimony. At Saponaro, Inc. we charge a flat referral fee to screen your case and recommend the best possible expert to assist you. The expert’s hourly rate and fees are provided with the referral, so you are clear from the beginning on what you will be paying the expert. We have found that our clients prefer this method, since they can easily calculate how much of an investment they are making in a qualified expert witness. Look at our expert witness fee schedule infographic as a guideline and compare. There are no hidden fees with us.
Saponaro, Inc. is chosen every day by attorneys to provide expert witness services and litigation support that help build strong legal cases
Over 40 years helping attorneys win trials by placing the best expert witnesses in over 40,000 cases.