9930 Johnnycake Ridge Rd, Suite 2G 44060
Concord, OH
44060 USA

How to Ensure an Expert Testimony is Accurate

September 27, 2018

How to ensure an expert testimony is accurate

You already know that it takes a specifically qualified individual to be a strong expert witness, and that choosing the right expert witness can make or break your case. However, when attempting to hire an expert witness on your own, you might spend hours and hours locating a potential expert, not including the vetting process, and end up with an expert witness whose testimony is far from sufficient.

So, how do you make sure an expert is the right choice for your case and that their expert testimony and/or opinion is what is needed for a successful outcome? Start with the characteristics of the ideal testifying expert witness below.



Is Expert Witnessing Right for You?

September 12, 2018

Is expert witnessing right for you?

What does it take to become an expert witness, and do you have the time and interest in assisting on legal matters?

An expert is a specialist with advanced knowledge in a professional area, such as any medical or hospital personnel, as well as the fields of automotive, finance, engineering, law enforcement or education, to name a few industries. This person has knowledge and expertise in a particular area, which is due to hands-on work in that specific specialty. An expert witness is someone who gives sworn evidence on the applicable standards of care in a court of law.
